Welcome to John Gauntner's Sake World!

The Sake World Blog

Miscellaneous sake-related writings, with the occasional sumo post too.

Interested in learning about sake? Sign up for Sake Professional Course in New York October 28 to 30!

Study sake from inside a sake brewery - Brooklyn Kura.

Sake Today - the world's first and only sake magazine!

Interested in learning about sake? Sign up for Sake Professional Course in New York October 28 to 30!

Study sake from inside a sake brewery - how cool is that?

Announcing the 12th Sake Professional Course Live Online, May 2024

Sake Professional Course live, in person, in Brooklyn NY October 28-30, 2024. Email me for details!

All you need to know about sake

This site contains all you need to know about sake: what it is, how it is made, what to drink and more. Peruse he most comprehensive sake site in existence at your leisure. No sake stone remains left unturned! Enjoy!

Sake Professional Course

The next Sake Professional Course will again be held in Brooklyn, NY inside Brooklyn Kura in October, 2024 "No sake stone remains left unturned" in this in-depth, thorough educational program. Learn more here!

Sake Industry News

Keep up on what is happening in the sake industry Japan! Subscribe to Sake Industry News today.

Sake Education Videos on Youtube

Interested in learning about sake through videos? Check out my Youtube channel, Sake Education Videos.
Be it online or in person, "No sake stone remains left unturned" in Sake Professional Course. Keep up with the sake world by reading Sake Industry News. Your first two issues are on us!